Saturday, January 17, 2009

Many of us want to lose belly fat fast. There can sometimes seem nothing more worse or embarrassing than having a large gut. A woman is not "supposed" to have a belly and even men feel low self esteem carrying around their "spare tyre".

Before I give you some killer tips, let me dispel a few myths. You simply cannot lose your gut by doing crunches or sit ups i.e. you cannot spot reduce fat. You lose fat all over your body and sometimes in specific spots before others but mostly all at once.

Unless you use liposuction, you cannot target lose belly fat fast exclusively to the stomach area.

Now that we've settled that, here are my 3 killer tips to lose belly fat fast:

1. Cut your calorie intake to 1,000 per day. You'll have to count your calories but if you cut them to this level, you will see results even after one week. Just try the scales for yourself and see.

2. Exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. If you do this, your body will only use your body fat for fuel. It won't have anything else to draw on. This is a great way to lose belly fat fast. I also recommend that you do HIIT or high interval impact training. Basically, jog for 30 seconds then sprint as fast as your legs will carry you for another 30 seconds, then go back to jogging. Repeat this for 15 minutes every morning.

3. Instead of eating 3 meals a day, eat 6 meals a day. This will take a little getting used to but your body will love it. You'll have more efficient digestion and metabolism and not only will you lose weight through no effort but you will also get less gas!

I hope these tips were useful. If you want to lose belly fat fast then these strict regimes are guaranteed to lose you weight. However, there are easier "diet plans" that you can use to achieve the same thing.


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