Friday, January 16, 2009

Believe it or not, but water is very effective for the loss of belly fat quickly. Water is a vital part of any safe and consistent weight loss. Water is so important to your body for many regular body functions, plus it can actually boost your weight loss over time. Here's what water does for your body:

-- As you diet and exercise, it removes toxins and waste from your system, cushions and lubricate your joints, and protects your major organs and your spinal cord from damage.

-- It replaces fluids lost during exercise or as your diet changes (some foods cause you to lose more water than others).

-- It increases and maintains circulation, which is required for healthy digestion and organ function, as well as increased fitness.

-- It assists in the digestion and absorption of food, and in the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

-- It helps maintain healthy skin and consistent muscle tone.

-- Water is one of the few natural appetite suppressants. Studies show that if you drink too little water, your body will deposit more fat on your body. The higher your water consumption, the less fat your body will deposit.

-- It assists in every enzymatic and chemical reaction in the body. And it also helps the body to utilize proteins and enzymes more efficiently, helping you lose more weight.

-- It assists the body's circulation of fluid and blood, which also increases metabolism.

--Iit increases muscle contractions, which means more fitness and less fat.

Be sure to drink water anytime you feel thirsty. In fact, anytime you feel hungry, drink some water first. Because we are no longer in touch with our bodies' intuition, we often mistake thirst for hunger.

The usual formula for the amount of water to drink per day is 8 cups or 64 ounces per day, but always trust your own intuition and results. If you have difficulty drinking large quantities of water, try adding a little sea salt or squirt of lime juice to make it more palatable.

Also try warm or room temperature water. Drink the purest water you can find, since chlorine and other additives to our water tend to cause weight gain. Use spring water or artesian well water wherever possible.


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