Thursday, January 15, 2009

Want to transform that ugly looking flab into perfect six pack abs? Tired of carrying that 'spare tire' around? Well we are going to help you with just that. Here are some very practical and useful tips of getting that perfect physique by getting rid of the stubborn belly fat.

1) The most advised and proven effective way of doing it by having a good combination of low calorie food intake coupled with a good amount of exercising. Simple math shows that if you burn more calories than you take, you are bound to lose weight and get rid of fat simultaneously.

2) Follow a well balanced diet plan that is recommended to you by a doctor or a dietician. Don't skip meals and eat larger portions in others. This shall adversely affect your body. Instead take smaller meals but frequently. Consume more proteins and cut out on carbohydrates.

3) Be stress free. Believe it or not but stress plays a major role in causing obesity. A stressed out person tends to store more fat in the body. Simple meditation for a few minutes every day can easily help solve this problem.

4) Have a lot of water, especially warm water. Cut out on the sodas and coffee and consume unsweetened herbal tea instead of it.

5) Rest well. Neither devoid your body of rest nor oversleep. A 6 to 7 hour sleep is must and is recommended.

6) If you are not amongst those who can visit the gym regularly, make it a habit to go for brisk walks or a short jog. These days even Yoga is catching up with people. Once you learn a yoga exercise, you can perform it in any convenient place in the house.

7) Make positive gradual changes and be patient and consistent.


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