Saturday, January 17, 2009

Acai Berry is one of the healthiest fruit in the world. Acai Berry juice is a boon with high concentration of antioxidants and anti aging properties. This fruit is found in the amazon jungle and the has been around for ages. But its only recently that its benefits have to light. Since its discovery its taken the food world by storm.

There are many ingredients in Acai Berry but mainly, As per wikipedia every 100 g of Acai Extract contains vitamin C, 260 mg calcium,4.4 mg iron, and 1002 U vitamin A, as well as aspartic acid and glutamic acid; the amino acid content was 7.59% of total dry weight. It seems like a complete food or you could say, Could complete your Food.

One of the main benefits of Acai Berry is weight loss. This fruit brings in one of the healthiest ways to loose weight. Unlike other products which chiefly use hunger suppressant as a method for the body to loose weight, Acai Berry instead increase your calorie consumption rate .So you burn more calories doing the regular chores. This increased metabolism rate leads to substantial weight loss. This also does not mean you could consume more but you have to keep you intake levels constant and let Acai Berry do the rest.

Benefits of Acai Berry

• Lowers blood pressure

• Sleep better

• Getting rid of high cholesterol level

• Prevents the body from dangerous diseases such as cancer ,arthritis etc

• Prevent the cardiovascular system from dangerous diseases and eliminates breathing problems

• Cures heart problems

Acai Berry has another important advantage its benefits does not get diminished when preserved. Its strong anti oxidants retain their benefits and can still be very advantageous to the body. Research is still underway to completely understand this wonder fruit and find further ways to utilize its byproducts.

Now another important property of acai berry fruit is it retains its magical properties when preserved. Thus leading to very effective weight loss supplements. Weight loss supplements are designed to work with the dieting process to help improve vitamin and mineral levels that may be missing in the diet.

For the first time you have Acai Berry Supplements and what more, You can now try Acai Berry for a 14 Day Free Trial. These supplements have helped many people over the years achieve their weight loss targets. The body will be far more likely to get rid of unnecessary weight if it is absorbing the right amount of nutrients and Acai Berry Will take care of it.

If you are committed to weight loss, you will find some strategies mentioned below that would help you achieve your goal. Overweight people need to use weight loss techniques to reduce their excessive baggage. Likewise, weight loss is often considered effective for those who try and follow a proven methodology and abstain from adopting an unknown strategy. I used one of the most effective natural weight reduction techniques, which worked wonder for me. Here are three of its main tips.

Recognize Your Positive Areas

The first and foremost perquisite of reducing your body weight through the means of a tried and tested methodology is to recognize your positive points. For example, I had lots of energy and could run long distances without getting tired. Such positive points can prove effective in the longer run. They can also help your chalk a schedule which would work for you in a more efficient manner.

Recognize Your Negative Areas

If you wish to loose your weight while applying the minimal effort, you need to do so through an efficient manner. For this, you would have to recognize your negative areas, which can also be termed as your weak points. For example, my weak point was my irresistible craving for ice creams. Recognition of negative areas can prove beneficial in the longer run and would certainly help you loose weight in the right manner.

Recognize Your True Potential

Your true potential can be accessed through the means of a regular monitoring program. Make sure you monitor yourself on a regular basis. Note down your progress in a chart and compare them with the designated goals. Set your future goals in accordance with the readings. This would help you loose weight with the minimal effort.

There are five major categories for MUFA foods. They are:

* Nuts and seeds: Throughout history nuts were prized for their dietary supplements. Almonds were sought after by the pharaohs. They are a terrific source of MUFA. The nuts are often turned into a smooth butter form that can be used on bread or crackers.
* Oils: Some oils are high in monounsaturated fatty acids. They include flaxseed oil, olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, pesto sauce, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, and walnut oil. Cooking with these oils is essential to help you lose weight and stay healthy.
* Avocados: Avocados are very high in MUFA's and have been a symbol for fertility throughout history.
* Olives: Olives are fantastic food. They are high in MUFA and their oil can be cooked with. The Greeks thought of olive oil as liquid gold.
* Chocolate: It turns out that the chocolate candy bar may actually be good for you. Chocolate is very high in monounsaturated fatty acids and is a key weight loss tip.

You should try and find these flat belly foods in an organic state. Meaning they are grown organically without the use of chemicals. You will get the most benefit from these products. You will also get the most out of these foods when they are unprocessed. Processing can remove the monounsaturated fatty acids.

Changing your diet and supplementing with these flat belly foods will help you lose weight. They will also make you healthy and fight off disease. You should use exercise in conjunction with any diet you try. Always consult your doctor before you go on any diet program.

These weight loss tips can help you change your life.

Are you still struggling to lose that belly fat? Still stuck with a flabby tummy despite all you have tried? It is not surprising. Many people are in that same position. It seems that every corner of the internet and shops are pushing one sure-fire miracle or another. There are machines of every shape and description, more supplements than you could ever consume and enough magic pills to impress Harry Potter. One thing is consistent with all these things; they DON'T work!

You have probably tried a few of these things and rocked and rolled on a few ab do-it-now machines. You are quite probably a bit miffed at being conned out of your hard earned money for something that these so-called experts say will sort out all of your problems.

Let's get down to the nitty gritty of all this. Forget the hype adverts and machines. Dump the scams. There are basic techniques and strategies which are proven over time to really work. Methods that do not require you to throw more money at them. Strategies that will not only drop your belly fat and body fat but will keep it off for life!

First Strategy.

It's an unfortunate fact of life that workouts are a necessary part of all this. You will need to incorporate the correct exercises so that you will stimulate fat loss from the tummy area. Many abdominal exercises are a waste of time. Do not waste more of your precious workout time on these exercises - meaning crunches, leg lifts, sit-ups and midriff twists, hoping to concentrate on simply reducing those hot spots you are worried about; ie. belly fat, love handles.

There is no point in trying to reduce weight on specific areas like this. You will not reduce belly fat on its own, by doing ab exercises. This is a myth. People spend a lot of wasted time on performing specific ab exercises. Now these may have their place in your routine, but not on their own. Only as part of a structured workout. A certain amount of ab exercising will strengthen your mid-section and help your back. However most of your time should be concentrating on whole body work focusing on multi-joint exercises. These will increase your metabolic rate during the workout and more significantly, for 1 - 2 days after the workout. This increases the activity of fat-burning hormones in your body. These hormonal and metabolic reactions are not present after pure ab exercises.

How do you do all this then? You need to get lifting some weights. Lift a barbell and perform a few squats. Practice with a few dead lifts, lunges and chest/back work. It does not matter what you do exactly - general weight exercises, weight machines at you local gym or even a multi-weight machine at home. The point is to use one of these methods to incorporate a multi-joint exercise regime at high intensity on a regular basis. Keep at it and don't simply do a little with extended rest period between. You need to get that metabolism working hard. Stimulate you body and work at it. Don't ease off. Hard work pays dividends.

Second Strategy

Forget the notion that dieting will get rid of your belly fat. Diets will not work. It is a well established fact that diets work against your body. Any of these fad-type diets such as low carbohydrate, low fat, restricted diets of any sort - anything in other words that restricts protein, fat or carbohydrate are not good. They will cause you to lose lean muscle. Muscle is the most efficient burner of energy. Losing muscle will lower your metabolic rate. When you do start to eat normally again after a diet the body's natural response is to put extra fat on again. You end up worse than when you started.

Diets basically alter various factors in your body, including insulin, muscle glycogen processes, blood sugar, etc..This ensures that you won't actually lose fat.

The most important fact to grasp here is that we all need to eat a balanced diet. It should be diverse and include protein, fats and carbohydrates. You will then ensure that your body is getting the right amounts of the various micro-nutrients needed. For an efficient fat-burning machine which you want your body to be, you have to make sure it's fed all it requires. Make sure you include anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. This is easily done by eating a balanced organic diet, free of preservatives and additives.

There is obviously a lot more I could go into here but I hope the strategies I have outlined will give you a good start to your quest to reduce both body and belly fat fast and improve your health as well!

Many of us want to lose belly fat fast. There can sometimes seem nothing more worse or embarrassing than having a large gut. A woman is not "supposed" to have a belly and even men feel low self esteem carrying around their "spare tyre".

Before I give you some killer tips, let me dispel a few myths. You simply cannot lose your gut by doing crunches or sit ups i.e. you cannot spot reduce fat. You lose fat all over your body and sometimes in specific spots before others but mostly all at once.

Unless you use liposuction, you cannot target lose belly fat fast exclusively to the stomach area.

Now that we've settled that, here are my 3 killer tips to lose belly fat fast:

1. Cut your calorie intake to 1,000 per day. You'll have to count your calories but if you cut them to this level, you will see results even after one week. Just try the scales for yourself and see.

2. Exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. If you do this, your body will only use your body fat for fuel. It won't have anything else to draw on. This is a great way to lose belly fat fast. I also recommend that you do HIIT or high interval impact training. Basically, jog for 30 seconds then sprint as fast as your legs will carry you for another 30 seconds, then go back to jogging. Repeat this for 15 minutes every morning.

3. Instead of eating 3 meals a day, eat 6 meals a day. This will take a little getting used to but your body will love it. You'll have more efficient digestion and metabolism and not only will you lose weight through no effort but you will also get less gas!

I hope these tips were useful. If you want to lose belly fat fast then these strict regimes are guaranteed to lose you weight. However, there are easier "diet plans" that you can use to achieve the same thing.

Here are some amazingly QUICK weight loss tips that'll show you how to GET RID OF belly fat in 2 weeks. In fact, I'll demonstrate to you 2 simple exercises I'm sure you never heard about... that'll take all of 5 minutes each to do. Within 2 weeks, you SHOULD lose 2 inches of belly fat.

Quick Weight Loss Tips

How to get rid of belly fat can be done with just 2 exercises you can do at home. Here they are...

1. Vacuum Pose

This entails you inhaling and sucking in your belly until you can't suck it in anymore. Target your lower belly, around your belly button. Sucking in your upper belly would be a big mistake. Keep the sucked in "pose" for about 30 seconds each time you do it.

Doing this just 5 minutes a day will get you between 1.75 to 2 inches lost from your waist in a month... if you did just this exercise by itself.

2. Hindu Squats

This is an at-home version of squats. You don't use weights... AND you squat really fast. UP DOWN UP DOWN... you go as fast as humanly possible. I recommend that you first be able to do 50 reps in under 3 minutes. Once you can do that, do 100 reps in about 5 minutes.

Listen, this exercise is great because it LITERALLY melts off fat from your body almost overnight. But be warned, it does take some effort.

If you were combine these to exercises for 5 minutes each... each day, I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll lose about 2 inches off your waist in 2 weeks.

Weight loss after a baby takes time, but it is not impossible. Be patient. It can take up to 6 months after pregnancy for your body to return to normal. So, even if you are not breast-feeding, don't be in too much of a hurry to cut calories. Concentrate on eating healthy foods and including physical activity in your daily routine.

Most women lose more than 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) during childbirth, including the weight of the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid. During the first week after delivery, you'll lose additional weight as you shed retained fluids. But the fat stored during pregnancy won't disappear on its own.

1. Eat healthy Food

After pregnancy, proper nutrition is still important - especially if you're breast-feeding. Making wise choices can promote healthy weight loss after baby.

Focus on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Foods high in fiber - such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains - provide you with many important nutrients while helping you feel full longer. Other nutrient-rich choices include low-fat dairy products, such as skim milk, yogurt and low-fat cheeses. Skinless poultry, most fish, beans, and lean cuts of beef and pork are good sources of protein, as well as zinc, iron and B vitamins.

2. Physical activity

Exercising too soon and too vigorously after giving birth can be damaging to health. Especially after Cesarean section ask your doctor first. Generally it is recommended to start 8 weeks after birth.

Exercising does not necessarily mean going to the gym for hours on end. Especially as a new mom, you won't have as much time to exercise as you once did, but you can get a great work out by simply go for a nice long walk with your new baby, or by running up and down the stairs a few times.

I know how you feel - tired, frustrated, stress. Physical activity will help you not only to get in shape after pregnancy but believe me, you will feel better, relaxed and fit. The most important is to find motivation, good reason and do not looking for excuses.

Losing belly fat for the majority of people is still a huge secret. Many people have attempted to do tons of ab exercises on a regular basis with no results! It's getting pretty bad and people are constantly on the search for the correct methods to lose that belly fat every single day.

Secret #1 - Simply Doing Crunches Doesn't Cut it
Sure doing crunches might tone your muscles - but what good is that when you can't seem them do to the fat? It's great idea to do crunches every now and then, but be sure not to make it the center of your plan.

So the big question is - what should you do exactly to lose belly fat? Just remember to avoid sit-ups, as these will probably not do a thing for you. In order to lose belly fat - you have to lose fat period. Women have a tendency to gain fat in their hips, while men tend to gain it in the regular middle section.

Either way, fat is fat, and both genders of people can lose fat the correct and healthy way. Which brings it to the next tip - what is the best way to lose belly fat.

Secret #2 - Try Starving Yourself
You'll quickly realize this will not help; especially if there is a severe lack of water in your diet. Believe it or not, you can still eat and lose belly fat, because belly fat is simply stored fat. If you starve yourself - your body may go into "survival" mode and hold on to that fat.

So that method's pointless. You definitely want to constantly drink water as most people simply do not get enough fluids in their system throughout the day. The more water the better - as many Americans are overweight or have an undesirable belly simply because of their lack of water consumption.

Start drinking water and watch your belly fat reduce. You may see extremely quick results - faster than you think. You may not get that dream "six pack" or "toned stomach" simply by drinking water, but it certainly is a start.

Secret #3 - Breakfast is the Key to Everything
Yeah, breakfast is awesome, and you'll ultimately have the opportunity to reduce your appetite with breakfast. This way, you will not be starving yourself - but you'll be getting all the nutrients you need.

This is what I recommend for breakfast. Try some beans, some grilled meats instead of the regular bacon. It's great if you can create a "weight loss smoothie"; which will dramatically reduce your weight. Boil some eggs, put that into your breakfast and drink some genuine orange juice and a couple glasses of water.

Whatever else you think is healthy - put it in your breakfast; it's just important that you quickly realize how important breakfast can truly be in your life, and that you should start today.

Breakfast is the key to you losing all that belly fat - as far as dieting goes. You also want to incorporate some kind of exercise as well. Cardio, Aerobics, Anaerobic (if you want that kind of super athlete stomach), and pilates training is all part of your best interest to lose that belly fat!

Have you wondered whether any of the belly fat diet really work? Most of the belly fat diets that I have bought have failed me and did not help me lose my extra fat.

Why does it seem more difficult to reduce belly fat than anywhere else on your body? The stomach naturally has extra padding, so even if you're burning fat it's a little tougher to get rid of it in the belly area.

You have to eat correct food (right types of calories per meal) and in the right time.

The most frequent mistake people make when trying to reduce belly fat is thinking that not eating will solve their problems. If you don't eat you won't have any energy to exercise and this will not lead to weight loss. It's important to get the idea of starving yourself out of your thoughts right now and commit to a healthy way of losing weight.

The body doesn't function without the proper nutrients it gets from your food. With insufficient food, your metabolism slows to balance for the lack of food. So fat will be burned, but much less than with a mixture of diet and exercise.

Have you ever heard about the diet technique called CALORIE SHIFTING?

It's simply a step by step technique that unleashes your body's full fat burning potentials without the use of drugs or any extreme methods of dieting. It is completely safe and natural and healthy because it gets rid of belly fat quickly preventing obesity, slow metabolism and more.

How it works:

1. Your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days - because it assumes that you will continue to eat in the same general way.

2. You are about to shock your metabolism by doing something you have never tried before - you are going to do the OPPOSITE of what it expects you to do. You are going to NOT continue eating the same types of calories and meals for more than a couple days at a time, and you are going to lose a lot of weight by doing this.

3. To make this work you need to SHIFT the types of calories eaten and if you do this then your metabolism will burn all of the calories eaten.

In Conclusion:

This natural dieting technique will help you lose weight as well as will help you to get rid of the fat stored in your body especially in the belly.

If you want to get rid of belly fat fast the best way to do it is through exercise. Of course you can count calories or go on a raw food diet too but the exercise will help whittle the belly fat away. The following tips will help you lose weight and you'll watch the belly fat disappear.

Any time you participate in any physical activity you'll reduce your belly fat and lose weight. If you have a bike or can borrow one, even if it's only riding in your neighborhood you'll soon benefit. Take biking for example. Start out slow and work up to 30 minutes a day of solid biking. Make sure if you stop on your bike that you subtract the time you stopped. Every week add about ten percent more time. You want to keep adding more so you can experience the weight loss benefits.

Taking into account how fast you're going. If you are going up hills you'll need to take that into account when you compute the time. It's generally thought that one minute of biking is equivalent to one minute of running. In both cases they should be intense.

Also you can buy a pedometer and see if you can get in 10,000 steps a day. You can wear it when you ride your bike. Put it on your lower leg and it will measure your steps every time it goes around. After you reach 10,000 steps a day you should notice you're starting to lose weight and losing some belly fat.

If at all possible, borrow a heart rate monitor. You want to compare how fast your heart is beating when you're on your bike. Use it also when you go for your walk. If the heart monitor indicates the same number of heart beats per minute then you're probably experiencing the same intensity walking as you are biking.

In any case step up your activity level and try to get in at least 10,000 steps a day. Whether you're biking or walking or participating in any physical activity or sport, you'll soon notice you're starting to lose weight. This will be especially true if you're also cutting out calories or eating a raw food diet.

A raw food diet, also called living food diet, can really help you lose belly fat and lose weight fast. Not only is exercise and good physical fitness good for losing weight but with the weight loss you'll notice a significant improvement in your health also. Of course there are a lot of other natural ways to lose weight. You'll want to focus on the natural ways as opposed to drugs, diet pills and expensive weight loss programs.

Why is it EASY to burn belly fat? If it were so easy, wouldn't everyone be able to do it? Well, everyone IS able to do it. Take a look at the amazing transformation stories you see in magazines. They are just everyday people like you and I...the only difference is the commitment they made to following advanced fat loss tips.

Fat loss is easy once you realize how hard it is. Once you understand that you can't get the body of your dreams from walking an extra flight of stairs each day, you'll realize that you have to get serious about your nutrition and strength and interval workouts. Once you do that, the fat will come off fast!

If you want advanced results, you must use advanced fat loss methods. End of story. There are no magic pills or potions.

Here are 3 more tips that will help you burn belly fat and breakthrough your fat loss plateau...

1) Eat 8 times per day.

In the past 5-10 years, it's become common knowledge that we should all eat smaller, more frequent meals. In fact, one study from 2005 showed that doing so helped reduce cholesterol and burn more calories than eating 2-3 meals per day.

And so for our advanced fat loss approach, we're going to bump that up to 8 meals per day. Here's how you would do that:

Mid-morning snack
Afternoon snack
Evening snack

With each meal and snack (except pre- & post-workout) focusing on lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber-rich vegetables and fruit (for pre- and post-workout, stick with 20g protein and a half-serving of fruit).

Start your day immediately with 2 cups of water, 3 fish oil caps, and 20g of lean protein, and then have your a fiber-rich breakfast. This meal will help dictate your blood sugar for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. So if you blow it on breakfast, you've might actually have blown it for the entire day.

(And if you workout at other times of the day, just adjust the schedule and move about the pre- and post-workout meals).

2) Eat more fiber-rich vegetables at each meal.

This means broccoli with your omelet, spinach at lunch, and peppers and asparagus at dinner. Other ways to get more green include snacking on raw pieces of broccoli and peppers all day. Aim for 8 servings of green, fiber-rich vegetables over the course of the day.

This is no time to be a child and tell me you don't like vegetables. Listen, if you can pay your taxes and show up to work on time, you can eat more vegetables.

3) Eat only protein, healthy fats, & fiber between meals.

Here's a sample snack plan:

- 20g lean protein (from a quality protein shake or 1/2 chicken breast

- 1/2 - 1 oz almonds (22 almonds in an ounce)

- cut up pieces of broccoli or an apple

- And enjoy some Green Tea at this time as well, in addition to a glass of water.


So those are some tips to take your fat loss plan into the advanced stages.

Now obviously, if you are struggling to just not eat at McDonalds today, then we won't expect you to follow this plan precisely. But if you set your mind to it, you can make incredible changes in your body.

As I recently said to a client...

"Remember that you are eating for the long-term. Think about what you are putting into your body and the effect that your nutrition will have on your body over the long term. Think about how much better you will feel (immediately) and how you'll have more energy and be able to think better just by eating better."

"Think about the positives of eating whole, natural foods rather than the synthetic, artificially preserved foods that are far too common in our diets today."

"Try and make a small improvement in your eating everyday. You will thank yourself for it tomorrow."

Health experts have long preached that weight loss occurs generally all over the body. It would be great if we could target our bellies or our butts with specific diets and exercise routines, but there isn't convincing evidence to suggest this is possible.

Against this backdrop, the editor in chief of Prevention magazine, Liz Vaccariello, along with her nutrition editor Cynthia Sass, has written a diet book called The Flat Belly Diet. The diet plan's premise is that saturated fats, principally animal fats, are unhealthy, while monounsaturated fats, known for short as MUFOs, are healthy. MUFO are found in plant foods like olive oil, sunflower oil, flax oil, avocado, nuts and seeds.

But will you lose belly fat?

Okay so far. The diet also limits meat and recommends whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes. As you might have noticed, the Flat Belly Diet has a lot in common with the traditional Mediterranean diet, which has been around for millenniums. There's much to recommend here. Your heart would definitely thank you for the food choices suggested. And if you control your calorie intake, you will lose weight.

But will you lose weight around the middle? That's where the Flat Belly Diet pushes too hard. There is some research indicating that replacing saturated fats with monounsaturated fats can promote weight loss.

Lack of medical evidence

The British Journal of Nutrition has published two studies on the subject, found here and here. But Vaccariello and Sass offer no hard evidence demonstrating that the diet as outlined -- or any diet, for that matter -- would specifically target belly fat.

For writers of diet books, the temptation to create buzz is a powerful one. Get the media talking about you (the book was profiled on Good Morning America, among other TV talk shows), and you'll sell more books. It's that simple.

However, it isn't helpful for would-be dieters to lead them in a direction that's based on limited evidence or wishful thinking.

Don't through baby out with bathwater

That said, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. The Flat Belly Diet does espouse a sound dietary approach. And it provides a good selection of recipes of around 400 calories each that are rich in monounsaturated fats. The meal plans provided would set you on a path to consuming about 1600 Calories per day.

For a 5'4", 175-lb woman and a 5'8", 200-lb man (both with a BMI of 30), this should result in a deficit of about 500 to 1000 calories per day, or 1 to 2 pounds per week weight loss. Add exercise to the equation, and the weight loss outcome would be even better.

Getting to Know Monounsaturated Fats

There are five major categories of monounsaturated fats. Here's what the Flat Belly Diet has to say about them.

1) Oils

  • Examples: Canola oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, peanut oil, pesto sauce, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil.
  • A serving equals: 1 tablespoon

2) Nuts & Seeds

  • Examples: Almonds, almond butter, Brazil nuts, cashew butter, chunky natural peanut butter, dry-roasted cashews, dry-roasted peanuts, dry-roasted sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, roasted pumpkin seeds, smooth natural peanut butter, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed butter, tahini (sesame seed paste), walnuts.
  • A serving equals: 2 tablespoons

3) Avocado

  • Examples: Florida avocado, Hass avocado.
  • A serving equals: 1/4 cup

4) Olives

  • Examples: Black olives, black olive tapenade, green olives, green olive tapenade.
  • A serving equals: 10 large olives or 2 tablespoons of tapenade

5) Chocolate

  • Examples: Dark or semisweet chocolate chips, shavings, or chunks
  • A serving equals: 1/4 cup

You've heard it before, if you want to lose belly fat the most effective way possible is to time your meals 3-3.5 hours a part, and consume 5-6 meals per day. But you can apply an advanced fat loss method to speed things up.

I'll go ahead and assume that you are an avid fitness buff that works out on at least a regularly consistent basis. If you want to Truly supercharge your belly fat burning efforts, then you should not only cycle your food on a weekly basis, but you should apply the 60-2 principle at least twice per week.

The idea behind the 60-2 principle to burn belly fat is that 60% of your carbs should be consumed in 2 of your daily meals, and the remaining 40% spread evenly through the remainder of your meals.

These 2 meals that contain 60% of your daily carb intake will be breakfast and your post workout meal (if you work out in the afternoon).

So over the course of 6 meals, your consumption should look something like this:

Meal 1 - 30% of daily carbs

Meal 2 - 10% of daily carbs

Meal 3 - 10% of daily carbs

Meal 4 - 10% of daily carbs

Meal 5 - 30% of daily carbs

Meal 6 - 10% of daily carbs

Meal 5 should be scheduled within 60 minutes after your workout. If you don't currently workout... OR if you workout in the morning, the 2nd meal containing 30% of your daily carbs should fall around Meal 4 or Meal 5, allowing for the lower carb meals to be consumed towards the end of the day to help burn belly fat.

The distribution of the carbs this way allows your glycogen stores to be replenished during the 2 most important times of the day:

1) First thing in the morning

2) After your workout.

It will be impossible for your body to store the carbs as fat during these 2 meal times, and will allow you to replenish your body when you need it the most while still maintaining your blood sugar levels throughout the day - which will help aid you in burning belly fat.

The answer to the age-old question of "What is the best ab workout for losing stomach fat?" is...

None! Ab workouts alone don't create enough of a metabolic response in your body to create fat loss.

As a trainer, nutrition specialist, and fitness professional, I often get asked what the best types of exercises and workouts are for losing stubborn stomach fat in order to bring out visible six pack abs. The problem is that most people with excess stomach fat looking to try to uncover their abs are searching for some "miracle abdominal workout" that is going to slash the fat off their abs in no time.

The thing is... they are going about the problem entirely the wrong way! The truth is that you don't lose stomach fat by doing ab workouts.

The problem is that focusing most of your time and effort on abdominal exercises and abs workouts to try to flatten your stomach and bring out 6-pack abs is simply wasting your time from doing the correct workout programs that will acutally reduce your body fat for good.

If I were to choose an answer as to what the best exercises are for losing belly fat, my answer would include full body exercises such as the following:

various forms of squats, lunges, deadlifts, clean & presses, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting, etc.

These types of full body exercises would encompass a much higher percentage of the workouts I would design instead of abs exercises directly targeting the midsection. The way you combine those full body exercises into a strategic workout that maximizes your metabolism is also very important.

Don't get me wrong... I do recommend a certain amount of exercises that directly target the abs and core, but these are only a small fraction of the programs I design for my clients as your time is better spent focusing on the full body exercises that stimulate the greatest hormonal and metabolic changes within the body. In addition, a side-effect of working out using mostly full body multi-joint combo exercises are that you indirectly work your entire midsection even though you are not specifically targeting the abs.

Keep in mind that the most important factor for losing belly fat to see your abs is actually in the nutrition arena. No matter how hard you workout, if your diet is full of junk, then your abdominals will be covered with ugly fat. Nutrition is without a doubt the "king of getting a six pack".

So let's clear this up for good...

Stop wasting so much of your time focusing on situps, crunches, leg raises, and all those silly worthless "ab contraptions" in your efforts to try to develop 6-pack abs. Instead focus on high intensity full body lifts using combination multi-joint exercises all strategically combined into highly effective fat loss workouts. Couple that with a healthy diet full of natural unprocessed whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and those elusive six-pack abdominals will yours in no time!

The Flat Belly Diet has taken over as the celebrity diet of choice. If you haven't yet heard of it you are behind the times. This article will unveil the secrets behind this new fad leading you to make better nutritional choices by applying some of it's principals to your own dietary lifestyle. You will learn about 3 foods that the Flat Belly Diet authors advocate to maximize your weight loss and help you create the body you really want, just like those Hollywood stars!

The Flat Belly Diet book promises a flat belly and weight loss of up to 15 pounds in 32 days. The authors boast on it's cover: "A flat belly is about food & attitude ... not a single crunch required." The Flat Belly Diet is basically a hyped up Mediterranean-style diet that is high in MUFAs (mono unsaturated fatty acids). The programs promotes eating a reduced calorie diet comprising of 4 meals of 400 calories each with each meal containing a source of MUFAs. It emphasizes eating unrefined, naturally wholesome foods including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds and lean protein.

The following 3 foods contain high levels of mono unsaturated fatty acids which form the secret magic that has helped the Flat Belly Diet gain massive popularity, the bottom line is that eating MUFAs regularly has been shown to help reduce the accumulation of belly fat. If you decide to use the Flat Belly Diet you'll need to be eating plenty of the following foods on a regular basis.

1. Avocado

Over the years avocados have received a bad press as far as dieting and weight loss is concerned. Many people mistakenly assume that because this fruit is high in fat it has no place in a weight loss program. This couldn't be further from the truth. Avocados contain oleic acid, a mono unsaturated fat that may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. They contain a vast array of vitamins and minerals which can help with weight control and ensure your success with the Flat Belly Diet.

2. Olives

Olives are one of the oldest foods known to man and have been around for over 8000 years so they must have something going for them! The authors of the Flat Belly Diet certainly think so! They are highly concentrated in MUFAs and also contain vitamin E and it's inherent antioxidant protection. The health-boosting compounds found in olives can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduce the severity of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. When buying olives search for ones that are naturally cured as opposed to lye-processed. They can be used in a variety of dishes to add flavour and are sure to help you on your quest to lose weight.

3. Dark Chocolate

You can eat chocolate and lose weight! How cool is that?! Just make sure it is the right kind. Dark chocolate is a potent anti-oxidant containing nearly 8 times the amount of anti-oxidant flavonoids as strawberries and has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It stimulates endorphin production, which gives a feeling of pleasure and contains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant. If you are serious about embarking on the Flat Belly Diet system be sure to look for pure dark chocolate without any unhealthy fillings such as caramel or nougat. Make sure you don't wash it down with milk which has been shown to prevent the anti-oxidants contained in the chocolate from being absorbed or used by your body. Of course any type of chocolate is going to be high in calories and fat so make sure you eat it in moderation.

In this article I'm going to tell you exactly what foods to eat to lose belly fat fast. Most people are spending too much energy on exercises. They are helpful but the real power of burning calories comes from proper nutrition. Beer bellies, love handles and overweight in general is a big problem these days. Getting rid of belly fat is not really hard at all you just need to adapt a healthier lifestyle.

Eat fiber rich foods. Dietary foods contain the best source of fiber. It is widely known that fiber fight against cholesterol, hart disease, diabetes and colon cancer. But it plays a roll in losing belly fat as well. If you eat foods rich in fiber your stomach will think that it is full. Fiber rich foods are dried fruits, bananas, beans, berries, beans, potatoes.

Eat foods rich in proteins. Protein is the muscle builder activator and the natural fat burner. The more muscles you have the more fat you will burn because your metabolism works faster. This is the reason why almost all diet programmes fail. At the beginning you lose weight but it this is water weight and muscle weight. After a few days you become fatter and you gain weight instead. Natural sources of protein are eggs (the white part); milk, cheese, yogurt, chicken breast, ground turkey and ground beef

Eat healthy fats. Most people think that all fats are bad for your health. This sounds paradox but if you want to get rid of a fat stomach you will have to consume healthy fats. The truth is that we cannot live without fat. For example or brain consist of 60% of fat, people have a soft skin and hair thanks to fat and without fat, no hormones. Healthy fats can be found in coconut oil, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, fish and seafood.

Decrease your intake of bad fats.
If you want to get a flat stomach or even six pack abs you will have to lower your consumption of bad fats. Bad fats or saturated fats should been avoid like the plague. Saturated fats are the most harmful and they lead to increased levels of cholesterol in the blood. On top of that they also lack the essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids can be found in the healthy fats. Sources of bad fats are commercially packed foods, popcorn and palm oil.

I'm sure you have a good idea know what to eat to get rid of belly fat fast without dieting. However if your goal is to get stronger six packs abs you will have to do exercises as well.

Friday, January 16, 2009

This 4 belly fat loss weight reducing secrets will blow your mind. Fatty tissue around the stomach and abdomen carries a greater health risk than fat stored on other places of the body.

Here are 4 things to remember concerning belly fat:

  1. Men tend to store more fat in the middle while women store fat more on the hips. This makes men more prone to health risks. Women tend to develop fat around the middle after menopause and this also gives them a greater risk for heart attacks than their younger female friends.
  2. Stress release cortisol and cortisol appear to stimulate fat storage around the abdomen. Research has shown that men and women under stress has a bigger chance of storing fat on the abdomen. Watch your stress levels.
  3. The best way to fight belly fat is to get to your normal weight and then control your calorie intake. When you take in more calories than your body burn, it will be stored as fat and most likely on the belly.
  4. To reduce belly fat if you already burned with a load of fat is actually very easy. Just follow the following instructions and your belly will go away. You need to start aerobic types of exercise that will burn calories. You must make sure you don't take in more calories than you're burning. You must be patient. You must do some resistance training to firm up the abdomen muscles. Your belly will go away if you keep this up.

Belly fat loss for weight reduction takes time. Tell yourself constantly that this method works as long as you do it so that your mind can believe it.

Believe it or not, but water is very effective for the loss of belly fat quickly. Water is a vital part of any safe and consistent weight loss. Water is so important to your body for many regular body functions, plus it can actually boost your weight loss over time. Here's what water does for your body:

-- As you diet and exercise, it removes toxins and waste from your system, cushions and lubricate your joints, and protects your major organs and your spinal cord from damage.

-- It replaces fluids lost during exercise or as your diet changes (some foods cause you to lose more water than others).

-- It increases and maintains circulation, which is required for healthy digestion and organ function, as well as increased fitness.

-- It assists in the digestion and absorption of food, and in the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

-- It helps maintain healthy skin and consistent muscle tone.

-- Water is one of the few natural appetite suppressants. Studies show that if you drink too little water, your body will deposit more fat on your body. The higher your water consumption, the less fat your body will deposit.

-- It assists in every enzymatic and chemical reaction in the body. And it also helps the body to utilize proteins and enzymes more efficiently, helping you lose more weight.

-- It assists the body's circulation of fluid and blood, which also increases metabolism.

--Iit increases muscle contractions, which means more fitness and less fat.

Be sure to drink water anytime you feel thirsty. In fact, anytime you feel hungry, drink some water first. Because we are no longer in touch with our bodies' intuition, we often mistake thirst for hunger.

The usual formula for the amount of water to drink per day is 8 cups or 64 ounces per day, but always trust your own intuition and results. If you have difficulty drinking large quantities of water, try adding a little sea salt or squirt of lime juice to make it more palatable.

Also try warm or room temperature water. Drink the purest water you can find, since chlorine and other additives to our water tend to cause weight gain. Use spring water or artesian well water wherever possible.

I know for many of you that stubborn belly fat can be a really big burden. Weight loss can be touch, especially in the mid section. You try countless diets, but they never seem to do the trick of losing weight in the areas you want to lose weight. Well, there are some special tips that can remove belly fat once and for all.

The problem is that when you are trying to remove belly fat, diet alone cannot cure this awful problem. You have to eat right as well as doing exercises pertaining to that area. What I recommend is at least 10 minutes of good ab exercises following some cardio exercises. When you do this you will notice the belly fat decrease as time goes by.

Belly fat is not all your fault. Some people have the pooch because of genetics. But this shouldn't be an excuse to not exercise or not removing it. No matter your genetics, you need to attain motivation and come up with a plan on how to lose the weight.

Whole foods also help you out tremendously when removing belly fat. Stay away from anything that is fried. Also, another thing that you should really consider is stop eating four hours before you go to bed. This is because when you are sleeping your body is not burning nearly as much calories as when you are awake, thus resulting in storing the fat.

The last thing that you should do in order to remove belly fat is start eating six small meals a day instead of three large ones. This will help with the genetics as well as increase your metabolism, which will result in burning more fat at a faster rate.

Above are four great tips that you should keep in mind when removing belly fat. Exercise in places that works out your stomach, somehow attain motivation no matter the reason of you having the pooch, eat whole foods as well as not eating before going to bed and finally eat smaller meals resulting in a higher metabolism. If you apply these to you weight loss routine, I will guarantee that you will see results in weight loss very shortly. They key to weight loss among many other things is to stick with it. Once you do that, it will be easy sailing from there.

We all want to look and feel great and one of the best ways to do that is through diet and exercise. If you are looking to lose belly fat and want a plan that has been successful for millions of people then you should look at the Acai Berry Diet Plan. It has been proven to help take off extra weight form your body because it can increase the metabolism which burns calories. Using this plan and a simple exercise plan together can really show excellent results in a short amount of time. Before you know it summer will be here and if you start now you will be proud of yourself that you made it happen.

Losing weight is not a hard thing to do but you have to mentally ready to make those changes that you need to get the weight off. You are going to be giving up some bad habits and that can be hard because there are many comfort foods that we like to eat. Using a plan along with giving up some of those high calorie foods can be a great recipe for success and you need to be ready to take the pounds off.

There are many variations of the Acai Berry Diet Plan so make sure that you search around to find what fits into your lifestyle the best. There is plenty of information out there that will help you succeed in losing weight so make sure that you take advantage of what is right at your fingertips. You are in control of your weight loss and healthy living so make the changes today that will impact you in a positive way for tomorrow.

I'm not only going to give you 1 weight loss breakthrough, I'm going to share with you 2 weight loss breakthroughs on how to lose stubborn belly fat. I'm even going to insist that you watch tv while doing these. They're that easy.

How to lose stubborn belly fat

1. Learn to love the mini-trampoline and jumping on it

Watch tv at all? Awesome... continue on. I actually approve of tv watching because what you're going to do is jump on the mini-trampoline during commercials. This is breakthrough weight loss 2 minutes at a time.

This SKYROCKETS your METABOLISM because of these mini-workouts. So if you watch an hour of tv, you can expect to get 20 minutes of mini-trampoline jumping done during it's commercials.

2. Make your belly disappear with the vacuum pose

The vacuum pose is little known and gets mistaken for simply sucking in your belly. Well for the record, it's NOT JUST sucking in your belly. It's much more.

First, you suck in your lower belly. Got that? It's a mistake to suck in the upper belly... which is what I'm sure you thought was the correct way to do it. So suck in the belly and hold it for as long as possible. I'd like for you to do this 5 minutes a day.

Why? Well, my clients who do this for 5 minutes a day lose around 1.75 inches from their waistlines.

So those are 2 ways to go about getting rid of stubborn belly fat. One is a cardio way and the other is an "abs specific" direct exercise.

I'll even give you a more advanced exercise that'll help you to quickly lose stubborn belly fat...

Click to get your FREE 19-PAGE REPORT "How SPINNING Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss". Strange, but true, way on how to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY! So click the link and get it now before it's too late.

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be given free INSTANT access to my website... so look around and picture yourself losing weight fast using my UNCONVENTIONAL tips, tricks, and simple "SHORTCUT" tactics. The information is quite DIFFERENT... and refreshing.

Third... you WON'T STARVE or even have to go to the gym... basically, you WON'T have to do anything that gives you more STRESS and less time. Listen, I understand you want to lose stubborn belly fat without changing much in your diet or exercise plans... I get it. I have this completely covered.

I've worked with over 3,700 clients. So I've come up with lots of flexible "tricks" to make weight loss easy on you AND your time.

Do you struggle to lose belly fat? I bet you're thinking that you've tried every technique in the world to try to lose your stubborn belly fat, but it just never seems to budge... right? I'm sure you see TONS of commercials and ads making all kinds of miracle claims that you can lose your belly fat overnight with their magic pill or wildly-hyped snake-oil supplement. How about all of the bogus infomercial gadgets out there claiming you can reduce your belly fat in a matter of days just by strapping some worthless "ab-belt" around your waist, or sizzle away the stomach fat by using their patented "ab-roller-rocker" do-hicky.

Come on now! I hope you've been insulted by all of these fraudulent marketers and the gimmicks and scams that they are pushing down your throat by trying to get you to believe that a belly-fat reduction miracle is possible overnight.

So let's get past all of the scams and gimmicks and get right down to the hard science and reality behind what techniques and strategies really do help you to lose your stubborn belly fat and keep it off for life!

1) The first important principle we'll discuss is how you structure your workouts. In order to stimulate fat-loss from your stomach, you need to stop wasting so much of your time doing all kinds of abdominal exercises and hundreds of reps of crunches, leg lifts, and torso twists in the hopes of "spot-reducing" your belly and love handles.

I'm sure you know by now if you've read any reputable fitness publications over the last decade that spot-reduction DOES NOT occur. It's a myth that just won't seem to go away. The truth is, you don't lose belly fat by doing exercises that target the stomach area. Unfortunately, even though most people by now do understand this (or at least they should), they still spend WAY too much of their training time trying to target the stomach with tons of abs exercises.

Now don't get me wrong, a certain amount of abdominals exercises are great and they do help to strengthen your core and help you maintain a healthy back. But the fact is that direct abs exercises should only be a small portion of your workout routines. The majority of your time should be spent focusing on multi-joint exercises that work the largest muscle groups of the body like the legs, chest, and back.

Now that is one of the REAL secrets for ridding yourself of that sloppy belly fat for good. Focusing on big multi-joint exercises for the largest portions of your body greatly increases your metabolic rate both during the workout, and for 24-48 hours after the workout. In addition, this also stimulates an increase in fat-burning hormones within your body. You simply don't get this type of metabolic and hormonal response by wasting most of your time with "abs-pumping" exercises.

Want to lose belly fat... Well, get your butt under a barbell and do some squats, do some deadlifts, some lunges, step-ups, some back and chest work. It doesn't matter per se if it's barbells, dumbbells, or even bodyweight exercises... the focus needs to be on big multi-joint exercises at a high intensity. That means no 5-minute rest periods between sets while you flap your gums with half of the people at the gym. Losing your belly fat for good requires some focus and intensity in your workouts! Anybody who tells you that you can do it while sitting on your couch watching TV with some "ab-belt" strapped to you, or doing only 2-minutes of crunching with your "ab-rocker-roller" is flat out lying to you!

2) The second important principle to rid yourself of that flabby belly revolves around your nutrition. The first thing you need to realize is that "diets" only work against your body in your effort to lose the stomach fat. You see, if you follow any of these fad diets like low-carb, or low-fat, or the grapefruit diet, the soup diet, or anything else that restricts 1 or more of the macro-nutrients (protein, carbs, and fat), most of the time you will actually lose lean muscle and lower your metabolic rate. This only makes you fatter in the long run, when you start to eat normal again!

I could go into all kinds of details, but essentially you are messing up processes related to your hormonal balance in your body, the muscle glycogen process, insulin, blood sugar, etc., and this stops your fat loss dead in its tracks!

It's important to stop falling for the fad diet gimmicks, and understand that as humans, we are meant to eat a balanced diet full of a diverse array of foods from healthy natural sources of carbohydrates, proteins, AND fats. This gives your body all of the macro-nutrients as well as all of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that your body needs to run as a well-oiled fat-burning machine!

I could go on and on with dozens more strategies for losing your belly fat fast, the natural way, but this article can only be so long, so see below to download a free report detailing some of my best fat-loss strategies for helping you to flatten that belly and uncover those hidden abdominals of yours.

The battle of the bulge sneaks up on the average dieter; getting rid of it, on the other hand, is a long, drawn out battle that sometimes causes so much frustration that the dieter will simply give up or even consider the more drastic aspects of surgery to get rid of unwanted belly fat. Loss of this fat is not as easy as shedding pounds from other parts of the body, but there are some tips and tricks that will make it possible.

Successful belly fat loss in five easy steps starts with an enjoyable exercise:

1. Sleep! Sure, you know better than believing that you can lose weight while you sleep, but in the extended sense, you can help your body - and your belly - to shed some fat. If you get less than five solid hours of uninterrupted sleep, your body's production of insulin is inhibited and any sugar carbs consumed are not metabolized, and calories are not burned but instead piled on as fat. Ideal are eight hours of sleep for proper functioning.

2. Exercise your abdominal muscles with sit-ups. Nobody likes doing them, but if you do five at a time, and maybe an hour or so later do another five, you will find that at the end of the day you can come up with a sizeable amount of sit-ups! Make it a matter of pride to see how many you can do in a day and then gradually work your way up.

3. Rest your abdominal muscles. It is counterproductive to keep on exercising your abs every single day in the beginning. Take a day between exercises and instead focus on different muscle groups then.

4. Reduce your dinner carb intake. Perhaps not surprisingly, the Atkins diet (and those other ones which also center on a reduced carbohydrate and increased protein intake) works because an overload of carbohydrates will metabolize into fat when eaten prior to sleep. Focus on protein and fiber rich veggies instead for dinner, and you will be rewarded with weight loss - and thus also belly fat loss.

5. Reduce your junk food intake. Yes, this is the time to get out that old food journal again and chart for one week everything you are eating. Don't worry about recording calories, just write down what it is that you are ingesting. Do not forget to also list your soda and other drink intake! At the end of the week, seek out non-essential food items you can cut down; let's say you drink 24 non-diet soft drinks per week - next week, see if you can cut it down to 20. Couple this with a few other little tweaks here and there, and you will have cut down your weekly calorie intake - and thus your belly fat development - considerably. Keep on cutting and trimming, and over the course of the year you will find that a lot of junk is eliminated and a lot of belly fat loss is recorded.

Do not give up when the going gets tough, but stick it out. Before long you will be rewarded with great results!

If belly fat loss is your goal, getting it off and keeping it off will take more than a crash diet and a few sit-ups. You must develop the proper habits in order to be successful in achieving and maintaining belly fat loss.

The best way to break bad habits is to replace them with good habits. With a few lifelong changes, you can make a significant difference in how you look and feel for years to come.

Essential Habits for Belly Fat Loss

Make dietary changes and stick to them. Instead of eating donuts for breakfast, eat a bowl of oatmeal or an egg with a piece of toast and drink a glass of orange juice. If you drink coffee, learn to drink it without the cream and sugar. Your diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Eat lean protein and make sure you are eating the recommended serving sizes and no more.

Make a habit of exercising. Interval training is a great way to burn fat off the belly area and increase your fitness level at the same time. When you interval train, your muscles burn more calories than when you just do cardio. The simplest interval training involves walking at a moderate speed and then alternating between that and faster, more aerobic intensive walking or sprinting. If you work out at the gym, you can interval train by adding in a quick sprint to your run on the treadmill, or a sprint cycle if you are on a stationary bike. Another option is to add some strength training to your cardio workouts to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

You do not have to give up eating the foods you love. Just eat smaller portions and eat the "junk foods" less often. Once you have integrated healthy eating and exercise habits into your lifestyle, you will find them easier to stick to. Your belly fat will disappear and you will stay in shape naturally.

Are you looking for a Christian Weight Loss Program? Well, you have come to the right place. Maybe you just came to this site hoping to find some exercise to lose belly fat. Then you are in luck because we are going to look into the 10 best exercise to lose belly fat. Let's get started.

Change directions.

Here is an awesome exercise to lose belly fat: Attempt this this interval-training exercise on the elliptical trainer. Bike for 45 seconds as fast and hard as you can, right after the 45 seconds is up switch your direction and bike for 45 extra seconds just as fast and hard in the opposite direction. Take a one minute break and go for it again. Ceasing momentum, in addition to going from a complete stop to full speed three or four times in the same interval, will provide your fat-burning efforts a radical lift, explains MF training adviser Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S.

The Bicycle Exercise

The Bicycle exercise is the number one exercise to lose belly fat. It is also the best move to get the six pack and the waist, according to a study done by the American Council on Exercise. To do this exercise properly:

1. Lie face up on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head.

2. Bring the knees in towards the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the ground without pulling on the neck.

3. Straight the left leg out to about a 45-degree angle while simultaneously turning the upper body to the right, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee.

4. Switch sides, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee.

5. Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion for 12-16 reps.

Here's how to lose belly fat fast with 2 secrets to fat loss. These 2 things have nothing to do with dieting or jogging or any of that typical boring advice you see all over the internet. Forget that, I have 2 little known techniques that are fun to do.

Lose Belly Fat Fast - 2 Secrets

1. Belly rubs

Will I tell you to rub your belly and pat yourself on the head... not quite! But rubbing your belly in circles actually does help with fat loss. In fact, it's one of the best things you can do.

Here's what you do...

Rub both of your hands together to create heat... this is a form of energy. Do this for about 15 or so seconds. Next, lie down and rub small circles around your belly button with 1 of your hands. Do this for 30-45 seconds at a time.

This works because the heat in your hands penetrates straight through your skin and into your belly fat. This loosens up the fat deposits to be eliminated from your body. Some fat cells are easier to eliminate than others. So you won't eliminate all of your belly fat, however you'll get the weaker fat cells to loosen up and be eliminated. Do this for 3 minutes twice a day. No need to do anymore than that.

As a bonus, the belly rubs actually help improve your digestion... another way to lose weight faster.

2. Hula Hooping

Let me tell you, this may sound kinda dumb and childish, but it works. It's one of the best things you can do to tone your belly and waist. Do this for 10-15 minutes everyday. To make this as easy for you as possible, just do it for 2 minutes at a time during tv commercials or whenever else you have a couple minutes free. No need to do it all at once.

So what are you waiting for? If you want to lose belly fat fast, try these 2 big secrets to real weight loss for a few weeks.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice on how to lose belly fat fast... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise more, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

One of the most popular fitness trends to have come out in recent years is the art of belly dancing. This once exotic dance form is now enjoyed by many women, both young and old, who belly dance for fitness and weight loss.

Belly dancing is called Danse Orientale (Oriental Dance) in Turkish and it is a social dance performed in parties, family get-togethers and during rites of passage. The belly dancing that we now know in the US today is a mixture of the traditional dances from the countries of Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, Greece, Morocco, Spain and Russia. It's sensual moves celebrate the female form and contrary to the popular belief, it is a dance performed by women for other women.

Belly dancing is a complete body workout for it exercises not just the abs but also the legs, waist, knees, hips, pelvic muscles and thighs. It could also minimize menstrual pains and lower backache. Keep in mind that belly dancing's weight loss benefits can vary depending on the length and the intensity of the workout. Belly dancing can also be good for cardiovascular conditioning and for building strong bones.

As its popularity grows stronger, many gyms and fitness centers now offer belly dance lessons for fitness and weight loss. Classes are open for beginners and advanced students alike. Participants rave about the variety and the effectiveness of their routines which makes them stick to it compared to other programs they have tried before. Women who belly dance swear on the fact that the activity helps them in their fitness and weight loss goals.

If you prefer to try belly dancing in the privacy of your home, there are also many instructional videos on belly dancing which you can purchase online and on fitness stores.

If you're looking for a new exercise routine, then why don't you try the art of belly dance for fitness and weight loss?

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Auth

I was embarrassed by my beer belly fat for years until I found out how to lose beer belly fat fast and safely without any stress and complications. At a time, friends suggested I go for a tummy tuck operation but thank God I refused.

How to lose beer belly fat fast and safely; requires that you first detoxify your body and start a healthy weight loss diet. A healthy weight loss diet and a complete detoxification program can help you to lose your beer belly fat fast and safely.

Detoxification enables you to cleanse your body of excess toxins trapped in your belly which is stored as fat cell resulting in a larger belly.

One way to detoxify your body is to have a simple colon cleansing. By cleansing your colon, you will eliminate the harmful toxins in your intestines, as well as the bloated and fat feeling in your belly. By doing so, you will be able to lose your beer belly fat healthily and safely.

There are a few ways that you can cleanse your colon. You can cleanse your colon by eating fruits and vegetables with every meal. Addition of water, fruits and vegetables to your diet can dramatically help cleanse your colon, making you healthier and leaner. Try to cut down on red meat and diary products as these foods are not healthy and they congest the digestive tract.

You should build these weight loss foods into your daily diet: Vegetables such as cayenne pepper, broccoli, squash, cauliflower and beans; fruits such as apples, berries, oranges, peaches, plums, and watermelon; whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, rye bread and brown rice. This diet will help you lose your beer belly fat fast.

One other way to detoxify your body and lose beer belly fat is to eat more protein-rich foods such as beans and nuts. These foods will help cleanse your body and get rid of those unwanted toxin.

Detoxification and colon cleansing are very important if you want to lose beer belly fat fast and successfully.

To lose your beer belly fat fast, you must avoid the following foods; eggs, wheat, diary products, food with added sugar, chocolate, rice pudding, processed foods, salted nuts, marmalade, jam, pasta, cakes, biscuits, ice cream, crisps and ready-meals. Coffee, tea, cocoa, alcohol, fizzy drinks and packet soups must also be avoided.

Develop the habit of drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day so as to help flush out unwanted toxins from your body.

You can also learn to sip organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother" in it.
It will help you to lose your beer belly fat fast. It also cleanses the blood, helps with hormone regulation, helps to regulate your pH and high blood pressure. You should take 1 teaspoon of vinegar per glass of water sipped over a period of hours.

A combination of apple cider vinegar, vitamin B-6, kelp, and lecithin increases your body's metabolism to burn fat faster than it would normally have.

I was embarrassed by my beer belly fat for years until I found out how to lose beer belly fat fast and safely without any stress and complications. At a time, friends suggested I go for a tummy tuck operation but thank God I refused.

How to lose beer belly fat fast and safely; requires that you first detoxify your body and start a healthy weight loss diet. A healthy weight loss diet and a complete detoxification program can help you to lose your beer belly fat fast and safely.

Detoxification enables you to cleanse your body of excess toxins trapped in your belly which is stored as fat cell resulting in a larger belly.

One way to detoxify your body is to have a simple colon cleansing. By cleansing your colon, you will eliminate the harmful toxins in your intestines, as well as the bloated and fat feeling in your belly. By doing so, you will be able to lose your beer belly fat healthily and safely.

There are a few ways that you can cleanse your colon. You can cleanse your colon by eating fruits and vegetables with every meal. Addition of water, fruits and vegetables to your diet can dramatically help cleanse your colon, making you healthier and leaner. Try to cut down on red meat and diary products as these foods are not healthy and they congest the digestive tract.

You should build these weight loss foods into your daily diet: Vegetables such as cayenne pepper, broccoli, squash, cauliflower and beans; fruits such as apples, berries, oranges, peaches, plums, and watermelon; whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, rye bread and brown rice. This diet will help you lose your beer belly fat fast.

One other way to detoxify your body and lose beer belly fat is to eat more protein-rich foods such as beans and nuts. These foods will help cleanse your body and get rid of those unwanted toxin.

Detoxification and colon cleansing are very important if you want to lose beer belly fat fast and successfully.

To lose your beer belly fat fast, you must avoid the following foods; eggs, wheat, diary products, food with added sugar, chocolate, rice pudding, processed foods, salted nuts, marmalade, jam, pasta, cakes, biscuits, ice cream, crisps and ready-meals. Coffee, tea, cocoa, alcohol, fizzy drinks and packet soups must also be avoided.

Develop the habit of drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day so as to help flush out unwanted toxins from your body.

You can also learn to sip organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother" in it.
It will help you to lose your beer belly fat fast. It also cleanses the blood, helps with hormone regulation, helps to regulate your pH and high blood pressure. You should take 1 teaspoon of vinegar per glass of water sipped over a period of hours.

A combination of apple cider vinegar, vitamin B-6, kelp, and lecithin increases your body's metabolism to burn fat faster than it would normally have.

Here are a couple waist and belly exercises for weight loss that you should be doing. Look, the fact is, most people who go to the gym and exercise aren't getting any real results. If you're one of them, take 2 minutes right now to read this article so you can start losing weight faster.

Waist and Belly Exercises for Weight Loss

1. Bodyweight squats

Ok, first off. You're thinking this is a leg exercise. Kinda yes, kinda no. It's a total body exercise. The abdominals play a big part in squats because they act as stabilizer muscles. Here's the thing... if you want to turn the squat into a weight loss exercise, you have to do the squats really fast.

With bodyweight squats, obviously you only use your bodyweight. Here's how I would like for you to do them. Do 20 as fast as possible. Rest 30 seconds and do another 20. Keep doing 20 like this until you've done 100 total bodyweight squats. For best results, do these everyday.

2. Vacuum posing

This is all about sucking in your abdominal muscles and staying in that position to allow the isometric tension to help flatten your belly. Most people can only maintain the "sucked in" position for a few seconds. That's fine. Here's what you need to remember. Do this exercise for 5 minutes a day. AND... do it everyday. If you're pressed for time, do these during tv commercials. Slip them in there. That's it. Expect 2 inches or so to disappear from your waist in 3-4 weeks from this exercise.

In order to lose belly fat it is not enough to do some sit-ups or crunches. What you put into your mouth is of vital importance. Your nutrition determines how much fat will accumulate on your abs and how you fast you will be able to burn that fat.

So, what do you need to eat to lose belly fat?

1. Lean protein - Protein is very important as it's the building block of your muscles. However, not all protein is created equal and you must choose your protein sources to be as lean as possible to avoid eating fat along with the protein. Some lean sources of protein are: chicken breast, egg whites, turkey, and various fish like tuna.

2. Fruits and vegetables - not only are fruit and veggies rich in fibres, vitamins, and antioxidants, they are the perfect snack. Eating more of these will help you avoid the temptation of snacking on the wrong things

3. Complex carbs - Often, people who wish to lose weight look upon carbs as the enemy. They're not the enemy. In fact, they're a crucial part of your diet. However, you need to eat complex carbs which break down slowly inside your body and keep you full and energized for long periods of time. Such carbs can be found in whole flour or whole wheat bread.

4. Water - Dehydration is the enemy of weight loss. If you want to lose belly fat you need to drink enough water each day. 8 glasses at least is a good rule of thumb.

5. Good fats - Yes, there are good fats and they're a necessary part of your diet. Good fats can be found in olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, almonds, and seeds. You don't need to overeat good fats, but in moderation they're very healthy.

If you make sure to comprise your diet of these foods to lose belly fat you wil have a much easier time to tone your abs.

A "new wave" of belly fat weight loss techniques 4 idiots has arrived. Will you be 1 of the few idiots who has the courage to try out these simple techniques that lead to massive weight loss in a matter of weeks? I guess we'll find out after you read the rest of this.

Before I continue, understand this. Belly fat weight loss has very little to do with sit ups, crunches, and jogging. Don't waste your time with those... they help, but they're very inefficient from a time-results point of view.

Belly Fat Weight Loss 4 Idiots

1. Hindu Squats

These are nothing more than fast-paced bodyweight squats. What you do is squat up and down as fast as you can while maintaining a relatively straight back. During each repetition, be sure to swipe your finger tips to the ground so you know you squatted down far enough.

These are great for burning off belly fat because they cause a huge oxygen deficit inside of you. Your body kinda panics and scrambles for any energy it can get. It's best option is to pillage your belly fat for that energy.

Ideally, go for 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes. If you can't do that, do the best you can in 5 minutes or just add an extra minute to get the full 100 repetitions.

2. Incline Walks

This works best on a treadmill that you can incline to 10 or 15 degress. I'll be the first to say that walking on a flat surface pretty much sucks for weight loss, but walking on an incline is a whole new creature. Try it once and you'll be a believer. Try it, chicken! Prove me wrong. Just walk on an incline for 15-20 minutes a day. Watch as your stomach fat just peels off.

Belly fat weight loss 4 idiots is as simple as that... nothing more, nothing less.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired belly fat weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, do crunches, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise more, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

Here are a couple belly fat burning exercises you can use for quick weight loss. I'll just say it... these are the 2 best fast burning exercises you can possibly do in my opinion. There's no jogging, no elliptical, no stair stepper, no cardio classes... none of that stuff.

Belly Fat Burning Exercises for Quick Weight Loss

1. Incline Walking

Listen, flat surface walking is ok for weight loss, but it's more for long term weight loss. Now, if you want quick weight loss, walk on an incline. Either incline a treadmill to 10-15 degree or walk up a hill, either one is fine. All you need is a quick 15-20 minute walk to really start burning off your belly fat.

You're thinking "what's the big deal... walking on a flat surface or walking on an incline?"... well, try walking on an incline for 15 minutes and let me know if you figured out the big deal. Walking on a flat surface and an inclined surface is like night and day. They're totally different.

2. Hindu Squats

If you hate sweating, maybe you should skip this one. It only takes 5 minutes, but it's pretty intense. But the benefits are huge!

What you do is squat up and down as fast as you can. You don't use any weights. Make sure to swipe or touch your finger tips to the ground with each repetition. You only need to do 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes. Good luck there. It's not easy, but it isn't extremely hard either.

This works because it causes such a huge oxygen deficit within your body that your body is scrambling for quick energy. So the body plunders your fat deposits for that energy.

These 2 belly fat burning exercises are great if you want quick weight loss.

If you want to lose belly fat as fast as possible, you need to do things the right way, both in terms of workouts and in terms of nutrition. Too many people are trying to lose belly fat and failing miserably. Don't be one of them.

Here are 5 tips you need to follow to achieve the fastest belly fat loss:

1. Do intensive cardio workouts - Cardio is important to burn off body fat. However, don't settle for medium intensity workouts like the elliptical. Do some running, swimming, or rowing to make the most of your time. Also, you don't need to do long cardio workouts. If you make them intensive, a 20 minute workout is quite enough.

2. Don't starve yourself - While it's important to not overeat, starving yourself isn't the way to lose stomach fat either. Starving yourself may cause metabolic slowdown and will stop or slow the fat loss process. Eat enough calories from good sources and they will not turn to ugly fat.

3. Don't follow fad diets or take diet pills - To achieve long lasting results, there are no shortcuts. You need to workout and eat in the right way to burn fat. It will take time to get perfect abs. Don't rush things or you'll never get the flat stomach you desire.

4. Tone your entire body - You can't burn belly fat specifically. You lose fat from your entire body or not at all. Therefore, you need to work on your entire body, get lean all over, and you will see results in your abs as well.

5. Follow an abs program - The final tip I have to get flat abs is to follow a professional abs program. If you really want a perfect tummy, don't go about it in an amateurish way. Learn from the pros. Get an abs program and follow what it teaches.

Are you looking to change the shape of your body or trying to lose belly fat without joining a high priced gym? If so, try this high energized cardiovascular fitness routine that that was developed by Keli Roberts.

With this 10 minute exercise routine you can burn up to 150 calories every single day.

The first two minutes of this fat burning routine is: Jump Rope - Begin by performing two jumps for each turn of the rope. Safety: Use the correct size jump rope and always land softly on the balls of your feet (that is the upper part of the bottom of your foot). Keep thinking I am losing weight.

Minutes two to three: Squat Thrust into a Push Up. The proper technique for this exercise is to stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms strait down next to your sides. Slowly squat down with your head forward and bring your hands to the floor just outside of your feet. Your hands should be pointing forward as well. Then in one movement, push your legs back and out behind you (into a pushup position). Perform one strict pushup and then jump back into your squat position and then stand back up. Keep thinking, the fat is vanishing.

Minutes three to four: Jump Rope with only one jump per turn. Keep thinking, The fat is melting away.

Minutes four to five: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Side Plank. After completing your squat thrust and push up, you are going to lift and rotate your left arm off of the ground and over your head. Your left foot will rotate and rest on top of you right foot. And you will rotate your neck so you are looking up at your ceiling. Rotate back to the center and repeat on the other side. When finished, hop back into your squat position, stand up and start again. Keep thinking, no more belly.

Minutes five and six: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. keep thinking, I am losing body fat.

Minutes six and seven: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Leg Lift. This is the same as minutes two and three only this time you will lift the toes of one foot about twelve inches off of the ground only after you have performed your push up. Lower your foot and repeat on the other side. Hop back up to your squat position, stand up, and start again. Keep thinking, goodbye belly.

Minutes seven and eight: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. Keep thinking, my belly is getting smaller.

Minutes eight and nine: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add Mountain Climbers. Repeat everything as in minutes two and three only this time after your push up, you will quickly jog in place from your push up position. Make sure you bring your knees up to your chest on each rotation. Perform 5 jogs and repeat this entire process. Keep thinking, I am going to lose weight.

Minutes nine and ten: Jump Rope. Same as you first two minutes. Keep thinking. If I do this everyday, I will lose belly fat. Good luck to everyone.

That's what we all want to do but how realistic is it? Losing belly fat and keeping it off permanently is definitely a realistic goal to almost everyone if it's done in the right way.

If you eat more calories than you burn off then your body will store the excess calories in the form of fat that it distributes around your body. Many people store fat on their stomach first because it's the easiest place for the body to put it. You are probably one of these people.

That's the bad news but the good news is that if you start to burn off more calories than you consume then your body will begin to convert the stored fat back into energy as you burn it off. If you put more fat on your belly then more fat will be burned from your belly.

Keeping fat off permanently

Losing weight is generally easy to do but keeping it off permanently is a different matter. Rapid weight loss results in a reduction of your lean body muscle and other organs as well as unwanted fat. It also reduces you metabolism and tends to give you a good appetite. Not only can this be bad for your health but it's the main reason why most people will regain all the weight that they lost on a rapid diet shortly after the diet ends.

How fast to lose belly fat?

To say that you want to lose belly fat fast is relative. How fast do you want to lose it? If you want to lose 10 pounds or more in a week then be prepared for some health problems and don't expect to keep it off in the long term.

On the other hand losing fat at the rate of about 1 to 2 pounds a week is safe and if you do it using a sensible combination of good nutrition and exercise you will have a much better chance of keeping your weight down permanently.

You might not think that 1 to 2 pounds a week is much but if you lose it as part of a new lifestyle where you continue to eat sensibly and exercise regularly then you could lose 8 pounds in a month, 24 pounds in 3 months or more than 100 pounds in a year. This is a much better approach to losing weight than the lose belly fat fast approach. You'll look better, feel better, have more energy and probably live a lot longer by following this plan.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

In order to lose belly fat, it is important to create a routine that could burn up a lot of calorie from belly muscles.

The easiest exercise that fulfills the criteria would be to jump rope. Try to do this for 2 minutes and be careful so that you do not land badly on your feet. Besides that, you could also do a simple exercise by slowly squatting down with your head forward and in one movement push your leg back and out, ending with a push up position. This is called the squat thrust to push up. When you are in push up position, perform a push up and jump back to squat position and stand up. That would be one rotation. Repeat these for 2 or 3 minutes.

These 2 sets of exercises can be performed repeatedly in order to see the effect. Of course, besides having a good routine, the correct food would certainly boost the speed of your weight losing process. Try to consume low calorie food at the same time avoid fast food and oily food. Practice healthy diet by including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily balanced diet. A normal 2 servings of fruits and 5 servings of vegetables are recommended. Drink a lot of water to replace your lost water and electrolytes. Generally, practice healthy diet and lifestyle in order to see the effect quickly. Once you managed to shed some pounds, you have to work harder or at least maintain the effort to be able to shed additional weight.

Quick and Sustained weight loss is a combination of external and internal factors. The external factors of exercise and diet are of course helpful to lose weight. But you need to equally focus on internal factors of boosting your metabolism and keep yourself motivated to loose weight.

In order to lose belly fat, it is important to create a routine that could burn up a lot of calorie from belly muscles.

The easiest exercise that fulfills the criteria would be to jump rope. Try to do this for 2 minutes and be careful so that you do not land badly on your feet. Besides that, you could also do a simple exercise by slowly squatting down with your head forward and in one movement push your leg back and out, ending with a push up position. This is called the squat thrust to push up. When you are in push up position, perform a push up and jump back to squat position and stand up. That would be one rotation. Repeat these for 2 or 3 minutes.

These 2 sets of exercises can be performed repeatedly in order to see the effect. Of course, besides having a good routine, the correct food would certainly boost the speed of your weight losing process. Try to consume low calorie food at the same time avoid fast food and oily food. Practice healthy diet by including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily balanced diet. A normal 2 servings of fruits and 5 servings of vegetables are recommended. Drink a lot of water to replace your lost water and electrolytes. Generally, practice healthy diet and lifestyle in order to see the effect quickly. Once you managed to shed some pounds, you have to work harder or at least maintain the effort to be able to shed additional weight.

Quick and Sustained weight loss is a combination of external and internal factors. The external factors of exercise and diet are of course helpful to lose weight. But you need to equally focus on internal factors of boosting your metabolism and keep yourself motivated to loose weight.

We have a secret recipe to help you keep your metabolism and motivation high. And what more it's 100% FREE.

When it comes to getting the body you want it seems as the whole world is your enemy. Tempting billboard images. Sumptuous radio ads, and Cinnabon(c) deliberately pumping the addicting smell of cinnamon and sugar into the mall.

And you know the diet industry doesn't make it any easier either. With all that they try and sell you, you would believe that weight loss were rocket-science. But the truth is that fat loss is a simple thing, that is once you can steer clear passed all of the lies.

Lies like:

  • Your body fat is hereditary
  • Food is the enemy
  • You must exercise to lose weight
  • You must avoid carbs
  • You must avoid fat
  • You must avoid protein

Those kinds of lies sell many books and fat loss programs but they also promote failure.

FACT - You may have inherited the propensity to store more or less body fat, but food choices are still the number 1 factor in weight gain and fat loss.

FACT - Exercise is essential to a well functioning body, but it will NEVER get the same results as proper food choices.

FACT - Carbs are essential to well functioning muscles, carbs create glycogen that the muscles use as their primary food.

FACT - Fats are essential to connective tissues and even brain function -- did you know that your brain is made up of approximately 70% cholesterol?

FACT - Protein is essential to repair of muscles, including your heart which is your most essential muscle built entirely of proteins.

The Ultimate Factor In Losing Up To 10 Pounds Of Fat In 2 Weeks

The fact is that normal folks just like you are losing fat at a rate of up to 5 lbs a week just by making food their friend again. This is the ultimate "trick" (if it can honestly be called that) when it comes to fat loss. Using food as a tool to stimulate the hormones that burn fat and build lean body mass, thus creating a body with hot hips and sexy thighs and yes a flat stomach.

Whether you believe it or not, the truth is that there is 1 trick to lose belly fat. You are what you eat. If you change the food you eat to certain common foods today, you will be able to flatten your stomach naturally and safely. This is the secret to flatten your stomach fat.

Some of us are perfectionists when it comes to how we look, yet we think nothing of what we put into our month. What we put into our mouth, can slowly lead to visceral fat, which is deeply hidden in our stomach and excess of this fat can lead to a lot of health problems - high blood pressure, high insulin resistance, high blood sugar, high triglyceride levels, diabetes, strokes, breast and colon cancer.

Much as what we eat can lead to health problems, we can reverse these problems by analyzing what goes into our mouth and ensure we begin to eat more of fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, avocados, olive, beans, pears, apples, soybean, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, dark chocolate, lean proteins, whole grains, almonds.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid that has been shown to shrink belly fat in a natural and safe way. CLA is found in some of the food listed above.

What causes accumulation of belly fat? Adrenal and hormonal imbalances have been fingered to be the main cause of belly fat. CLA can eliminate these imbalances, increase metabolic rate and help burn muscle fat. Even for people having difficulties and frustrations in losing their belly fat, CLA is the 1 trick to lose belly fat.

Conjugated linoleic acid also has several health benefits. It can lower insulin resistance, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and very helpful for thyroid suffers. All these benefits have direct impact on weight loss.

Most people don't know how to add foods that burn fat and help you lose weight in their weight loss meal plans. In this article I will outline some of the best foods that will help you burn calories and lose weight at the same time. Another reason these are great is because they can actually fill you up.

Eggs: Eggs contain B12 which is important in the breaking down and burning of fat. If you are worried about the cholesterol you can remove the yolk from some of the eggs that you eat.

Beans: Beans are a great source of fiber and protein. Avoid refried beans and baked beans because of saturated fat and sugars.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal is my favorite meal for breakfast. Although plain it is pretty bland you can add so many things to it that are not only healthy but make it taste awesome.

Oatmeal has soluble fiber which reduces cholesterol. IF, and that's a big IF, you can eat your oatmeal unsweetened or unflavored then more power to you. Go for it. But if your like most people and need some flavor add some blueberries or strawberries NOT sugar.

Olive Oil: Although olive oil isn't exactly a food that you eat it's health properties are so important that it should be mentioned. And it helps fight cholesterol and burn fat.

Olive oil is rich in the good fats - monounsaturated. An ounce of extra virgin olive oil has eighty five percent of the daily value for the good fats.

Whole Grains: Processed carbs such as white bread, pasta and white rice are to be avoided. But whole grains have not been processed and contain lots of the fiber and nutrients you need.

Lean Cuts of Meat: Salmon, tuna and lean cuts of beef such as those found in loin or round cuts of meat. Avoid meats that are processed or have lots of additives and preservatives.

When you are constructing your eating diet plan to lose weight make sure you include these foods in your eating plan. Remember to slow your eating and only eat till 80% full.

Although these foods to burn fat and lose weight are important to include in your diet its not the whole puzzle. If you don't have the money for a nutritionist or diet program to plan out your meals perfectly and teach you how to eat exactly it may come down to a lot of trial and error.

Losing those arm fat is not as hard as people make it to be. You just need to know which specific exercises to do help you trim that flabby arm of yours.

Here is how to lose arm fat:

1. The Mini-Trampoline Method

This might sound like a joke but jumping on a mini trampoline a few minutes, 5 to 10 times a day can actually help you to lose arm fat.

But jumping on mini trampoline got nothing to do with your arms right?

Yes, you are right. Jumping on trampoline has nothing to do with your arms but it will increase your metabolic rate. When your metabolic increases, your body will burn more fat including arm fat, belly fat and so on.

Jumping on trampoline is one of the easiest and simplest exercise that you can do if you are still pondering on how to lose arm fat. You can see fast results too.

2. The Diamond Push-Up Method

This exercise is tougher than trampoline jumping but it is one of the effective methods to get rid of flabby arms. This is because when you execute diamond push-ups, you are targeting the back of the arms and also the triceps.

Here is how to lose arm fat using the Diamond Push-Up Method:

Get into your normal push up position. Place your hands closer to each other and make a triangle shape. Now you are in the diamond push-up position.

Do as many push-ups as you can and then take a 1 minute break. Do it 3 more times and you have completed a day of work. So everyday you should be doing 4 sets of as many push-ups you can do and taking a 1 minute break in between.

It just takes a few minutes everyday!

If you want faster results, then do both the mini-trampoline and diamond push-up method daily. You will certainly accelerate the arm fat loss.

Now that you know how to lose arm fat, start taking action and be focused on what you want to achieve. You won't be able to lose those jiggly arms just by not doing anything.